About Us
It will be an endeavour of the society to provide housing in accordance with and on availing the benefit of MPD 2021/Land Pooling Policy. The society will aim to provide the highest quality housing to its member at an affordable cost. The details of the project shall be subject to change as per various laws, regulations, rules, and notification as applicable and further to MPD 2021 / Land pooling policy and various amendments thereto.
Platinum multi-state co-operative housing society Ltd is registered under the multistate cooperative society Act 2002 with Regd. No. MSCS/CR/1032/2014 and primarily works in the states of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. The society headquarter is in New Delhi (Dwarka Sector-20).
Platinum Multi State CHS LTD. has taken the initiative to tailor-make a unique platform where member associates to participate in the Land Pooling Policy. Society through its platform will explore the possibility of extracting maximum Benefits from the Land Pooling Scheme for its members.
At present, the Society is not engaged in any construction of any apartment or buildings for its prospective member and is neither constructing apartment nor developing land into plots/apartments for the purpose of selling all or some of the said apartments/ Buildings etc.