Land Pooling Policy
Land Pooling is a new paradigm for the urban development of Delhi, wherein the private sector will play an active role in assembling land and developing physical and social infrastructure. Under this concept, owners or groups of owners will pool land parcels for development as per prescribed norms and guidelines, making them partners in the development process.
This policy is applicable in the proposed urbanisable area of the urban Extensions for which Zonal Plans have been approved. The immediate urban extension is in the zone J, K-I, L, N & P (I & II). The Policy is open to all landowners who own land in the areas notified by DDA/Government under the Policy. Landowners with any size of land may participate as per the application process specified in the Regulations.
The new urban landscape envisaged to be developed in the L zone of Dwarka is a major initiative taken in the field of urban housing by DDA through the new Land Pooling Policy in Delhi. It is a most unique step taken by the authority under the Master Plan Delhi 2021 to realize the dream of ‘Smart City’ goal in a timely manner around Delhi under Land Pooling Policy, Delhi.
Notified by MoUD (S.O 2687) dated 05/09/2013, the new land pooling policy is explained as a piece of land owned by individuals or group of owners that they in a legal bound manner transfer to the land pooling agency. The agency thus retaining, proportionately, a certain part of the land returns back the remaining one for construction purposes.

The need for land pooling policy in Delhi Zone arose due to the failure of DDA in providing adequate shelter for everyone in Delhi giving birth to the urban problems like traffic congestion, pollution, etc. Since its foundation in 1963, DDA has only been able to construct 11 lakh homes offered both as CGHS and DDA Housing Scheme against a total population of 1.70 cr. even leading to around 50 lakh population residing in unauthorized colonies.
Under the latest land pooling policy l zone and other zones as well in Delhi, the land would be pooled under DDA and Land owners (Society, Builder or Farmers) on (Public Private Partnership Model) according to the parameters set by DDA and Urban Planning and Development Ministry of India.